Thursday, October 02, 2003

Spent the last two days in Kanchanaburi. This town is famous as the location of the Death Railroad bridge (otherwise known as the bridge over the river Kwai). The center spans were destroyed a couple times by allied bombing, but much of the original bridge still stands. The curved parts in the picture are the original portions while the trapezoidal sections were re-built after WWII.

The guesthouse I stayed in was actually a series of buildings, connected by walkways, that actually float on the river. Quite a pleasant way to live. The second picture actually shows the guesthouse next to mine taken from the walkway in front of my building.

My visas for Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos were ready when I got back to Bangkok. I'm supposed to fly to Hanoi tomorrow afternoon but may need to push my flight out by a day.


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