Friday, July 10, 2009

On The Surface

I'm out of the water temporarily, having left Koh Tao yesterday. I'm currently in Bangkok for the day but flying to Indonesia tomorrow afternoon.

In the meantime, I have a top of pictures that I never got around to posting. To start this series of final Koh Tao posts, here are some of the very few pictures I took on the surface. These are somewhat repetitive but at least there are no fish visible.

First up are the closest things I have to pictures of my dive resort.

And here are a some pictures taken as I was setting for the 3 day trip aboard the Trident last week. Also, while I'm at it, there is a writeup about that trip with lots more pictures on the Big Blue Tech blog.

I expect to do quite a bit of diving in Indonesia, but not to the exclusion of all other sight seeing activities. Hopefully there will be some more non-fish content on the way soon.


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