Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Back in Phnom Penh. Yesterday's boat ride from Siem Reap was OK, but far from as nice as the one from Battambang last week. There were some nice parts though:

Whatever I had in Siem Reap came back with a vengance yesterday afternoon but I'm feeling great now. I took it very easy today. I did nothing abut lay on a couch and read in the common area at my guesthouse. I'm going to take another day off tomorrow before starting to move again.

The guesthouse I'm stagying at is on Boeng Kak lake in Phnom Penh. The lake is supposed to be extremely polluted but it's very picturesque (and it doesn't smell or anything). The sunsets over the lake are amazing. The one tonight was particularly nice since we actually had some clouds, as opposed to the horizon-to-horizon blue skys I've had to live with for most of my time in Cambodia.


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