Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Small world. This morning I met someone who went to my high school in Philly. He graduated 10 years after me but it was still fun comparing notes on the school and the Philadelphia suburbs where we both grew up.

I'm still feeling pretty good. Assuming I'm still OK tomorrow morning I'm going to start working my way north to try to get to Prasat Preah Vihar temple. The trip could take anywhere from 5 days to a week round trip and I doubt I'll have internet access until I get back to Phnom Penh. This trip gets me pretty far from real civilization. Tbeng Meanchey, the town where I hope to stay tomorrow night, only has electricity for a couple hours in the evening. And that's the provincial capitol - a booming metropolis compared to the next stop after that.

Hopefully everything will go well in which case I expect to be back in Phnom Penh on Monday or Tuesday. Until then, wish me luck.


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