Sunday, December 28, 2003

Made it to Luang Prabang. I'm glad I broke the trip in Vang Vieng yesterday rather than trying to go all the way from Vientiane in one day. I got to Vang Vieng early enough to go tubing again yesterday, something that has really grown on me.

My bus trip was virtually painless even though the bus broke down about an hour from Luang Prabang. Luckily a couple of local busses showed up fairly quickly after the breakdown and everyone from our bus piled in. I even ended up with a place to sit on top of the engine box. It turned out to be more comfortable than my seat on the original bus and I had a great view - I almost wish the first bus had broken down even earlier.

Sorry for the lack of pictures the last couple days. I should have some more soon now that I'm actually someplace I haven't been before.


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