Sunday, March 14, 2004

I managed to make it all the way to Kottayam last night after another long travel day. The train to Ernakulam was almost on time and I only had to wait a couple hours for the connection to Kottayam. I would have even had time to go eat at that restaurant I mentioned but I'd already had lunch on the train.

Kottayam seemed like an interesting little town and I wish I'd had time to explore some. Unfortunately it was dark by the time I got in last night and then I had to catch the ferry to Alleppey this morning. Here are a few pictures from the today's boat trip.

Tomorrow I'm heading on a longer backwater cruise to Kollam and from there to Varkala. I did the same trip last year and loved it. Hopefully I will get more and better pictures than I did last year. Last year's pics from the Alleppey to Kollam cruise are here (scroll down).


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