Monday, March 01, 2004

Made it to Delhi this morning. I'd planned to try to catch a train out tonight but it turns out some friends from Laos also arrived in Delhi today so I'm going to spend a day or two here to catch up with them.

Here are a couple pictures. This first one is from the rooftop restaurant where I ate dinner before leaving Kolkata (i.e. Calcutta - might as well start using the correct name). I hope this one comes out OK - it's really dark on this monitor but looks great on the camera's LCD.

Lucknow was pretty nice and I'm glad I finally got a chance to stop there. Here are a couple pics I took while wandering around town yesterday. Even better than the scenery was the mutton shami kebabs. I normally avoid the mutton here but these wrapped (as opposed to skewered) kebabs are a local specialty that I've been wanting to try.

I'll be in Delhi for a day or two then I'm going to start heading south. I think I'm going to stop in Bundi in Rajesthan for a day or two. I was there last spring and decided I didn't stay long enough. Plus it'll make a good place to break the long trip between Delhi and Mumbai.


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