Saturday, February 21, 2004

I'm back in Yangon for a night after a couple days in Pyay. I'd planned on going straight to Pathein today, but by the time I got back to Yangon it was too late to get across town in time to catch the last bus. Oh well, I like Yangon so I'm not too upset about having to spend another night here on the way.

I was unable to get a flight out as early as I'd hoped so I'm leaving this Wednesday (the 24'th). The cheapest flights are on Bangladesh airways so I have to spend a night in Dhaka on the way, meaning I arrive in Calcutta on the 26'th. I guess it's a good thing I didn't manage to stop in Pyay on my original try last week otherwise I might not be able to fly out until after my visa expires.

Pyay itself was great and I'm glad I finally got there. There weren't too many sights in town (and the big draw nearbye - the ancient city - was barely worth the time and not even close to worth the $4 entry fee). However, it was a pleasant little town on the banks of the Ayerwaddy river. I could have easily spent another day or two there but decided to try to fit in one more town (Pathein) instead.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to get to Pathein in the morning to run out my last few days here. I seriously doubt there is internet access there so don't expect another post before the 24'th.


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