Monday, February 09, 2004

I'm in Mandalay now and finally found an internet connection. I'm going to make this short because I'm absolutely exhausted after an all night bus ride with little sleep followed by a full day of sight seeing. Also, I'm using a hotel's internet connection and it's absurdly expensive.

So far I've been to see the balancing stupa at Kyaiktiyo, Bago, Inle Lake, and now Mandalay. Tomorrow morning I'm heading slightly further north to Pyin U Lwin hill station for a couple days then I'll be back in Mandalay for a day or two before I start working my way back south.

That's about it for now. I wish I could post some pictures - I've already taken about 180 in the 9 days I've been here. In fact I'm going to have to transfer them to CD in the next couple days before I run out of space.


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