Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Back In Business

I found a free web-based ftp site so I can upload pictures again. :) Time to get caught up...

On my first day in Myanmar I spent the afternoon wandering around Yangon seeing some of the sights.

Since I'll be back in Yangon at least once before I leave I decided not to spend a full day there. So, the next morning I hopped on a pickup to Bago and from there caught a bus to Kinpun, the base-camp for Kyaiktiyo (the balancing pagoda). I decided to spend an extra day in Kinpun so that I could see the pagoda again in the morning when the light is best. Also, Kinpun was a nice little town which I needed after Yangon.

The next day it was back to Bago. I spent that afternoon and the next morning wandering around seeing the many sights. I also spent some time checking out the very picturesque market.

That's probably enough for now. Tomorrow, after I get back from sightseeing, I'll continue catching up with pictures from Inle lake, Mandalay's ancient cities, and Pwin U Lwin.


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