Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Continuing with the Myanmar catchup...

From Bago I took a 17 hour overnight bus ride from hell up to Nyaungshwe on Inle lake. While this bus ride might not have been quite as bad as the overnight local bus ride from Hyderabad to Hospet with which I started my India trip last spring it came an awful close second. Anyway, when I arrived in Nyaungshwe I had planned on going straight to sleep but I met up with some people at my guesthouse who had already booked a boat trip around the lake so I joined up with them for the day. I'm amazed I managed to stay awake for the whole day.

I spent the rest of the time in Inle walking around the town and some of the nearby villages on the north side of the lake. After Inle I took another overnight bus ride (only 10 hours, of which I got almost 3 hours of sleep) to Mandalay. Instead of seeing sights in Mandalay itself I went to some of the ancient cities (Mingun, Sagaing, and Amarapura) nearby. When I return to Mandalay tomorrow I plan to see some of the sights in town.

After one night in Mandalay I caught a pickup up to Pwin U Lwin. Yesterday I wandered around to see some of the town.

Today I took a 2 hour train ride out to the Gokteik Viaduct which gave me the opportunity to see some of the surrounding countryside. When it was built in 1901 it was the second highest railway bridge in the world. Unfortunately you are not allowed to take pictures of the bridge itself (there are soldiers around to enforce this rule) and none of my pictures from the train ride came out all that great. Oh well.

I'm finally caught up with the Myanmar trip. Tomorrow I head back to Mandalay, hopefully stopping on the way to see a waterfall that's supposed to be pretty impressive. I think I'm only going to spend one more night in Mandalay before heading down to Bagan on Friday.


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