Sunday, January 04, 2004

Sorry I never posted the promised pictures on New Year's Day, but I've been too busy having fun during the day and way too tired in the evenings. Derek and Elisa left for home a couple hours ago so I have some free time again. Hopefully (once again) the quantity will make up for the delay.

Anyway, we went tubing on New Year's Day and again on the second. These first three pictures were taken on the two tubing trips.

Yesterday we returned to Vientiane (where I am now), however instead of just taking a bus we took a Kayaking trip on the way. The trip was billed as "Kayaking to Vientiane", but in truth it we only Kayaked about 10 or so of the 150 km distance. The rest of the time was spent on Tuk Tuks but it didn't matter as the trip was a blast. It was a far better way of getting to Vientiane than just taking the bus.

Derek and Elisa didn't have to leave for the airport until 5 PM so we had plenty of time to wander around Vientiane today. We saw a couple sites I hadn't seen before and a couple I had. The weather was much nicer today than my last time in Vientiane so I was happy to see the sites I'd already seen in a new light so to speak. Pha That Luang in particular looked much better today than it did on the overcast day when I visited before.

Tomorrow morning I start back north for the last time. As usual I plan to break the trip in Vang Vieng tomorrow for at least one more day of tubing (this will make my 7'th trip down the river). After that I head back through Luang Prabang for one night before starting a loop through north and north-western Laos.


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