Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Did someone say frescos?

Yesterday I finally got over to see the Göreme Open Air Museaum, a collection of rock-cut churches carved into the walls of one of one of the valleys near Göreme. The big draw at these churches are frescos that are simply stunning and surprisingly well preserved.

Considering these churches are all inside caves my raw photos came out pretty well. However, all of these have been digitally enhanced to brighten them up and bring out the color.

Tomorrow I'll post some pics from the tour I took today out to the surrounding area.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Cooler than Hampi?

Well maybe not quite that cool, but the terrain in Cappadochia is really something else. And (as was pointed out in the comments on the post below) there is great food available here, whereas the "food" in Hampi is barely edible.

Yesterday I took a long walk from Göreme to the nearbye town of Uçhisar.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do today although I will probably head over to the Göreme open air museum in the late afternoon.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Here are some photos from Konya.

Since I was able to see pretty much everything of interest in Konya this morning I decided not to spend another night. So I'm in Göreme in the Cappadochia region now. I plan to spend several days here. I haven't taken any pictures of interest yet but I'm sure there will be lots coming over the next few days.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I finally dragged myself out of Olympos yesterday and made my way to Antalya where I spent last night. Today I'm on my way up to Konya - in fact I'm writing this post from the Otogar (bus station) while I wait for my bus.

Here are a few photos from Antalya. All of these were taken in the extaordinarily quaint old district of Kaleiçi where I was staying.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

An object at rest...

Last night I decided not to leave Olympos today as I'd planned. This may have been a mistake as Inertia has set in and now it looks like I'll be here for a couple more days at least. D'oh.

Anyway, here are a few pictures taken at the place (Kadir's treehouses) I'm staying...

And, while I'm at it, here are a few more from the beach...

Monday, May 22, 2006


Haven't taken too many pictures of Olympos yet. Here are a few of the ruins of ancient Olympos and one of the shore though. I should have some more up tomorrow.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Of the good ship Çankaya 3 and her awful, awful captain.

This post will be a bit of a rant so bear with me (or just skip ahead to the photos)...

So, the captain on my cruise was a total f'ing a-hole (pardon my french) and tried his hardest to ruin what would otherwise have been a perfect four days. At the end of the trip there was not one person on our boat who wasn't left with sour feelings. In fact one couple is off for another blue voyage on-the-house after they complained to the tour company. From talking to other travellers it seems our experience was almost unique although one other group was told by their captain that ours has a bit of a reputation as a jerk even among the other crews.

It all started shortly after we got on the boat when it turned out that the promised cheap drinks were actually going to cost more than 2x what any other boat was charging (we checked and in fact several of us swam over to other boats moored nearbye to buy drinks on the afternoon of the first day). A call to the captain from our tour company got him partially straightened out and got the drink prices dropped from outrageous/criminal to just expensive (he still wouldn't go all the way down to the correct price even after the tour company promised to 'reimburse' him for the difference) but by that point the bad vibes had pretty much set in for good.

On day 2 things got even worse as the captain refused to put in at most of the advertised stops and offered a steady stream of lies about bad weather than never seemed to materialize by way of explanation. I was only mildly disappointed about the stops we skipped that day however many of the others on the boat were counting on seeing some of them and were royally ticked off.

To top it off he tried to impress us that evening by abusing the most junior member of the crew and regaled us with tales of the time he'd beaten the poor guy so badly he couldn't get out of bed for three days. All in all a truly lovely individual.

Finally on the last day the captain again skipped everything and made a beeline for the harbor, cutting the trip short by over 3 hours. When it came time to pay he accused everybody of lying about how much they had to drink and tried to get everyone to pay for double the drinks each of us actually had. I guess when you are as comfortable with lying as he was you assume that everyone acts the same. Or something. In my case he also tried to keep my change. I pretty much told him what I thought of him at that point and had to drag each lira out of him one by one.

[/end rant]

All that said, I still managed to have a mostly great time on the cruise (day 3 was just about perfect as far as I was concerned). The boat itself was great, the rest of the crew was very pleasant, and the food was absolutely fantastic. On top of that I could not possibly have had a more pleasant group of fellow voyagers to spend the four days with.

Anyway, on to the photos. I didn't take as many as I would have liked but here's a sampling...

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

In other news, I'm in Olympos now. Although I'd only planned on staying here for a couple nights I can already tell that plan is pretty much shot.

Update: Since I put up this post the company that ran my tour has gone to extraordinary efforts to make things right. Everyone on my boat has been offered their choice of a 50% refund or another trip for free. This even applied for those people (such as me) who had actually booked with a different company but were transferred to this boat last minute in Fethiye. Pretty amazing that they would go that far with no attempt to pass the buck on to the other cruise companies. Oh, and they've also said they're terminating their contract with the captain as well. This whole bad experience really seems to have been a one-off and I just happened to be unlucky enough to be on the wrong boat.
All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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