Thursday, August 11, 2016

Plan B

The ferries from Batangas to Puerto Galera weren't running for a few days due to weather so I decided to return to Subic Bay instead of waiting around Manila hoping for conditions to improve. I could have tried to make my way to Puerto Galera the long way around but decided it wasn't worth it, especially since I have no idea what effect that weather would have had on my ability to dive the somewhat exposed sites around Sabang. Weather here in Subic is pretty miserable too but at least the bay is somewhat protected and it's not like the visibility can get much worse than it was before.

If my last trip here is anything to go by I wouldn't expect much in the way of pictures but you never know. I do still plan on one more Malapascua picture dump but I haven't even looked at pictures since I left there a week ago so don't have anything more to post yet.


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