Friday, July 22, 2016

Moalboal Miscellany

While Moalboal doesn't have Cabilao's quantity of corals or Dauin's variety of macro subjects I'm enjoying the diving here very very much.

What it does have is fish. Lots and lots of fish. Many of the species that like to swim in polarized schools which is something I've always loved. The school of sardines on the wall right off shore in particular is something to behold. It's one of those sights that will never get old and will bring me back someday. And the walls at nearby Pescador island are covered in schools of fusiliers and also host a resident school of jacks that I've spotted in a few times (sadly it's a very shy school of jacks so I have no good pictures).

Anyway, on to the pictures. I'm saving the Sardines for their own post so in the meantime here are some of the other things I've seen this week.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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