Monday, June 13, 2016


OK, time for the last post from Ambon. Unusually, I'm posting two pictures of the same type of critter (different individuals though). These are both Mototi (Poisonous Ocellated) octopus which was one of the things on my list of rare animals I'd hadn't seen yet. By the end of the Ambon trip I'd seen 4 individuals across 2 dive sites each of which displayed distinctly different behavior which was kind of interesting.

Anyway, so far I'm enjoying the wreck diving in Subic Bay. Should have some pictures up in a few days.


Blogger David Sanford said...

Brian, the photos look great. I see a huge improvement from Hawaii. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself and looking forward the Subic bay photos

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5:06:00 AM  

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