Friday, May 27, 2016

Timing is everything.

The diving in Ambon continues to amaze and I'm accumulating a good number of pictures that I'll dribble out over the next couple of weeks. My next stop after Ambon will be Nusa Lembongan where I anticipate taking fewer pictures since it's won't be primarily macro diving. And after that will be Subic Bay in the Philippines which is mostly going to be wreck diving.

In the meantime, I want to post this one picture specifically. Although Rhinopias are all over the place in Ambon overall they are pretty rare. And on top of that I was lucky enough to catch this one yawning right at the beginning of yesterday afternoon's dive at Laha 2.

In other news we managed to find the macro lens I dropped which was nice. By 'we' I mean my dive guide of course - I had nothing to do with it other than being in the same general area.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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