Sunday, September 21, 2014

So Long Komodo

Yesterday was my last day of diving in Komodo and I leave shortly for Lembeh where I'll be spending the last 2 weeks of my trip. Although I'm really looking forward to returning to Lembeh I'm not quite ready to be leaving Komodo. The diving here has been fantastic this year - particularly on Castle Rock where every dive has been pretty much perfect. Unfortunately what makes Castle so great is all the action so photos don't do it justice.

Anyway, on to the pictures...

And in case you're not sick of Manta pictures yet, here's one more. This is the same World's Friendliest Manta™ shown in the close up above. As we started our ascent it moved off a bit and just happened to end up right next to a school of Bumphead parrotfish. So, while this isn't the best shot I had to include it for the novelty.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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