Friday, August 01, 2014

Truk Picture Dump

I almost called this post 'So Long and Tanks For All The Fish', but that would have been a bit much.

Unfortunately I'm done with diving in Truk. But, since I'm off to Yap for more diving with Mantas next, I suppose I'll survive. I'll have one more Truk post up with some of my favorite recent pictures but wanted to toss these ones out there in the meantime. If anyone is interested, the pictures of the tank and the stern gun were both taken deep (50 meters or so) but the rest are all from dives at least near recreational depths.

That's enough for now. Look for the final Truk post in a few days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,
Very impressive pictures and nice narratives along your path. What a nice path it is. Keep enjoying yourself and posting. Are you back in time for some fall diving in the Northwest?? I see you have converted Audrey into a photographer now with a G16

John Voss

Tuesday, August 05, 2014 1:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always like looking at pics... Just FYI my e-mail:

Tuesday, August 05, 2014 1:44:00 AM  

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