Friday, July 04, 2014

Don't You Hate It When The Sand Has Teeth

I've been back in Labuan Bajo for four days or so but have been very lazy about getting the next batch of pictures posted. Here they are though (finally)...

I've spent the last few days here diving on day trips. This is the first time I've been to Komodo any way other than on a liveaboard and, while I'd rather be living on a boat, the diving has still been spectacular. I've seen Mantas and Mantis Shrimps every day so no complaints. On Sunday I head back to dengueland Bali for 5 or 6 days of diving there before I leave Indonesia. I'm still not sure exactly where in Bali I'll be diving yet - most likely Tulamben and Menjangan Island.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures (I'm particularly happy with the last one from Castle Rock). Look for one more Komodo post in a few days.


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