Sunday, May 18, 2014

One Thousand and Change

So I'm off on the next trip. Last week I had a few days in Thailand while waiting for my Indonesia visa. I thought I'd try something new this year so I went to Koh Phi Phi (near Phuket) instead of Koh Tao. The diving was only OK, and the visibility was surprisingly bad, but sure beat sitting around in Bangkok for a week. My first dive in Phi Phi was my 1000'th which was a nice milestone. Sadly I don't have any decent pictures from that dive (sorry Dad) bad here are a few from other dives that week.

Anyway, the trip started for real yesterday with my arrival in Indonesia. I'm currently in Pulau Weh, an island off the far north western tip of Sumatra. I had my first two dives here today, but haven't had a chance to go through the pictures yet. There should be plenty coming though - I plan to stay here for about 3 weeks until I have to fly to Bali to catch the Komodo Dancer on the 11'th of June.


Anonymous Tman said...

Looks like you got out of Thailand just in time. They declared martial law today.

Monday, May 19, 2014 9:35:00 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, I could tell something was going on. My last day in Bangkok I started to see soldiers around the area where I was staying and they had a major street next to my favorite fancy restaurant completely blocked off.

Probably wouldn't have been much to worry about for tourists though. This type of thing seems to happen every couple years there.

Thursday, May 29, 2014 11:08:00 PM  

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