Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Off To The Next Spot.

I finished my Sipadan snd Mabul diving a couple days ago and am currently waiting for the flight to Brunei for another 10 days of diving before heading back to Indonesia. Why Brunei? I'd wanted to dive some more in Borneo, but was unable to book anything at Layang Layang or Lankayan. Brunei was suggested to me by a few people and so I decided to check another country off my list.

Anyway, no more pictures for now. I haven't even gone through my stuff from the last 5 days in Sipadan, and it was mostly videos anyway. In the meantime, Dancer Fleet has posted the video of my Alor trip from July on "Dancer TV". It's currently the front video here, or you can try the direct link if the Alor video is no longer showing by default.


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