Tuesday, July 03, 2012

This Post Has More Tentacles Than A Cthulhu Family Reunion

I'm no longer in Lembeh but still have a bunch of pictures to post to get caught up. This post features all the species of Octopuses I saw while I was there.

I almost posted this a week or so ago but wanted to wait in case I saw a Blue-Ringed Octopus which, along with the Hairy Frogfish and the Mimic Octopus, was one of the critters I most wanted to see in Lembeh. Sure enough this past Sunday I finally saw one. On my 700'th dive no less.

Anyway I'm in Nusa Lembongan for the next six or seven days. Right now I'm finishing up a sunset beer at the same restaurant where I wrote my long Anatomy Of A Deep Trimix Dive post over a couple of days almost three years ago.

The next post or two will feature more Lembeh pictures since I still have a bunch of stuff from there. And Lembongan is more about the big stuff which doesn't photograph as well, but one can always hope.


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