Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Toy

I'm back in Bangkok after a week or so diving in Koh Tao. It was nice to be back there after so long.

For this first Koh Tao post, I'm posting pictures taken with the new external stobe I bought this year. The vast majority of the underwater pictures I took last year were taken without a flash since the internal ones on compact cameras are almost useless. I'm still learning how to use the external stobe effectively, but here are a few of my early attempts. The first and third of these are even presented without any enhancement or cleanup on the computer.

In other news, Whale Sharks are still awesome. I'll post a few pictures of the one I saw on Friday in a day or so.

Tomorrow I head to Indonesia. My first stop will be Bali where I have about 10 days before heading up to Bunaken and Lembeh in Sulawesi. Can't wait...


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