Friday, February 25, 2011

Not Your Everyday Fish

This post is a grab-bag of some of the more interesting things I've seen over the past week or so.

First up, some pictures featuring critters with particularly cool eyes. Both of these are from a site near Havelock called simply 'The Wall'. I've only dived it once but am eagerly looking forward to more dives there as it is absolutely loaded with cool stuff.

Next, some small things. Both of these are things that I've seen a number of but never managed to take decent pictures of before.

And finally, some fish that aren't all that uncommon but that I want to include in this post. I've seen so many Scorpion fish that I rarely take pictures anymore but this one was posed perfectly and the picture is probably the best I've ever taken of one. Batfish are also relatively common but I've never seen a school of them anywhere near this large.

That's all for now. I'm falling behind on pictures I want to post though so expect another post in the next day or so.


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