Friday, February 04, 2011

Annapurna Circuit Final Part

Here are the final pictures from my Annapurna Circuit trek (only 5 weeks after returning to Pokhara).

Day 14: Kagbeni to Murpha

Day 15: Cheater!

There are no pictures from this day. I decided to skip part of the road and take a jeep back to Tatopani. However, part way there I decided I'd rather be hiking on the road than riding so only went as far as Ghasa where I spent the night.

Day 16: Ghasa to Tatopani

Day 17: Tatopani to Shika

Day 18: Shika to Chitre

No pictures from this day either. I ended up only hiking for a couple hours in the morning before deciding not to move any further from my lunch stop.

Day 19: Chitre to Ghorepani

Day 20: Ghorepani to Tadapani

From this point on I am retracing part of the route from my Annapurana Sanctuary trek in 2007 so some of this may look a bit familiar.

Day 21: Tadapani to Chomrong

Day 22: Chomrong to "New Bridge"

Another day with no pictures. I was getting very lazy by this point.

Day 23: Chomrong to Naya Pul (and back to Pokhara).

That's it for my Nepal pictures. Sorry for the long delay in posting these but I kind of lost interest in updating the blog for a while.

In other news, I'm finished with diving in the Simalins (which has been fantastic) and am catching a bus back to Bangkok in a couple hours. On Sunday I fly to Kolkata and from there on to Port Blair in the Andaman Islands for lots more diving. This means that I'll likely be back to mostly fish pictures for a while.


Anonymous Fritz said...

Fish pictures for the win!!!

Saturday, February 05, 2011 7:10:00 PM  

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