Monday, December 06, 2010

Still In Kathmandu

As usual I'm slower getting moving than planned. I've got my permits now and plan to leave for the Annapurna Circuit trail-head by Wednesday.

In the meantime, I wandered over to Swanambunath yesterday for a little stair climbing practice.

This will probably be my last post until I get to Pokhara which could be weeks depending on how much I'm enjoying the hiking.


Anonymous Fritz said...

We are leaving Sys-K... Your stuff is out. We should be neutral in a couple of days. I can get your blue standings to get your clones out if you need it. No need to worry about anything because all of our gear is totally clear and we are leaving on good terms.... I will send you a mail as well so you don't accidentally get blown up. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010 2:53:00 PM  

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