Friday, September 25, 2009

A Second Trip to 100

As mentioned in my last post I made another dive to 100 meters on my last day in Gilli Trawangan. This time we had a photographer along for part of the dive to document the trip. He came down to around 65 meters with us and met us again during the deco stops.

I almost lost this dive at the last minute. When I was pressurizing my tanks while gearing up I stripped the valve on the 50% deco tank (the small one on my right in the second picture) and it wouldn't open again. We decided to execute the dive anyway with me following the "loss of 50%" contingency schedule. Normally this schedule would be used if a problem occurred during the actual dive rather than just jumping in anyway after a problem on the surface. But with this being my last chance to do this dive, and with plenty of extra gas between the three divers and the drop tanks, I decided to go ahead and treat it like a training exercise. I was a little nervous for most of the dive but it was worth it. I confirmed that I can indeed complete such a contingency plan without running out of gas. Of course I was well into my reserves on both the travel and 80% deco tanks but didn't run out of either.

Anyway, on to the pictures...

All photographs in this post are used with the permission of, and are copyright by, Foued Kaddachi (


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