Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Annapurna Circuit Part 1

I guess it's about time I start posting pictures from the Annapurna circuit trek. Posted mostly without comment.

Day 0: Kathmandu to Bhulbhule

The first day was mostly a long day by bus then jeep to Khudi. From there it was a short 45 minute walk along the road to Bhulbhule.

Day 1: Bhulbhule to Bahundanda

An easy start to the trek. Most of the day was a gentle climb with only a short steep section below Bahundanda.

Day 2: Bahundanda to Jagat

Day 3: Jagat to Tal

Day 4: Tal to Danakyu

Day 5: Danakyu to Chame

This was the first day with lots of mountain views as the trail started to head northwest past the eastern end of the Annapurna range.

Day 6: Chame to Upper Pisang


Anonymous Fritz said...

Dude that chicken backpack is one of the coolest things I have ever seen!!!! Where do I get one?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011 8:02:00 PM  

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