Sunday, March 06, 2011

Update and Photo Catch-Up

I'm still not sick of the diving on the Andamans - in fact, with the exception of today, the past week has seen some of the best diving I've done the whole trip. Since I'm enjoying it so much I've extended my permit and will be staying here for another two weeks.

Yesterday I did my first ever 'proper' dawn dive, beginning the dive about 20 minutes before sunrise. I was dubious about a dive that required setting my alarm for 3 AM but it was more than worth it. The pre-dawn light and crystal clear water made for a surreal dive in a high-contrast black-and-white landscape. It was simply amazing and I'm already signed up for another one in a few days. Unfortunately there are no decent pictures because of the dim light.

Anyway, on to the pictures. I've been meaning to post most of these for a while but they didn't fit with any of the recent theme posts. The last few are more recent pictures that I couldn't resist posting (the Moray shot, which I love, in particular).

The past week has been very good for photography so I should have a bunch more to post once I finish sorting though them.


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