Friday, June 01, 2012

That Koh Tao Whale Shark

Here are the promised shots of the Whale Shark I saw on my last day of diving in Koh Tao. It was only a little one (maybe 3 meters long) but still...

I'm currently in Lovina on the north coast of Bali. I dove out of here for a couple days back in 2009 and it's nice to be back. Today I did a couple "muck" dives in a nearby site that I hadn't seen before and they were fantastic. Among other things I saw an adult and 3 baby seahorses, an Octopus, and several colorful sea slugs. And a Frogfish, which is always an event.

Sadly there will be no pictures for a while as my camera malfunctioned the day I got here (of course). Theoretically I am having a replacement shipped to me at the dive resort I'll be diving with in Sulawesi but we'll see if it makes it. Either way there won't be any new pictures until at least the 11'th when I arrive in Bunaken.

Anyway, that's enough for now. I'm off for a night dive in a few.


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