Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hooray, Our Long Cameraless Nightmare Is Over

Amazingly enough my replacement camera arrived safe and sound yesterday, so I should have some content again. Fun fact: UPS support in the states thinks the camera is still in Jakarta!

I'm currently in Bunaken, a small island in north eastern Sulawesi. After 10 days of great diving in Bali I was initially disappointed with the diving here, but after a day or so it's really starting to impress me. There's not a lot of big fish, but the reefs are pretty and there's quite a bit of stuff to look at.

Anyway, on to the pictures...

I'll be in Bunaken for three more days then I head to Lembeh for 2 weeks of macro heaven. I can't wait - it's the centerpiece of this trip and the part I'm most looking forward to. After that things are somewhat up in the air, although I'm currently leaning towards flying to Flores and diving Komodo until my Indonesia visa runs out in late July.


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