Monday, June 18, 2012

Bunaken Picture Dump

Here's a sampling of pictures from the last two days of diving in Bunaken. I'm particularly excited about the picture of the Pygmy Seahorse - it was less than 1 cm long and not easy to photograph as it waved around in the current. That picture alone was worth the hassle and expense of having a replacement camera shipped over here. Also, think I'm getting the external strobe thing down now, although it's still hard to use it the shallows where the light is good and quite a few of my pictures end up all washed out.

Anyway, I've left Bunaken for Lembeh, which I expect to be the highlight of this trip. I've been dying to come here since I heard about it during my last trip to Indonesia. Lembeh is supposed to have the largest concentration of weird critters in the world so I expect great things.


Anonymous Richard D said...

We would love to see that Giant Clam picture!

Richard & Nobuko

Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:37:00 AM  

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