Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's About Time For A Lembeh Nudibranch Dump

There is a huge variety of Nudibranchs in Lembeh and I've been accumulating pictures of them at an alarming rate. So I guess it's about time to post the first batch.

I'm still enjoying the diving in Lembeh and have lots more pictures to post over the next few days. I have another 5 days diving in Lembeh then I head off to the next destination. My plans aren't final yet but it's looking like a few days in Nusa Lembongan off then off to a live-aboard in the Alor islands in far south eastern Indonesia. I dove Nusa Lenbongan in 2009 and liked it a lot but the Alor Islands will be all new.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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