Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back From Alor

I'm back in Bali after my 10 day Liveaboard in South-Eastern Indonesia. The diving was good and the boat was fantastic. So much so that I've decided to return to Indonesia to dive Komodo with them after Malaysia rather than traveling on the Fiji, Pulao, or some other new destination.

Here are a few quick pictures from the trip. More later.

Interesting (to me at least) triva about that last picture. I've seen quite a few Ribbon Eels now and have very few in focus pictures of them. In this case the camera was refusing to lock focus on the thing at but I decided to go ahead and snap a few shots anyway just because this was the only blue one I've seen this year. And voila, the best shot I've ever taken of one. Go figure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How big is that cuttlefish?

Looks like great dives are continuing!

Richard D

Monday, July 23, 2012 11:37:00 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

The cuttlefish was a little one - only about 4 to 5 inches long.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 6:42:00 AM  

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