Monday, July 09, 2012

Lembeh Nudibranchs Part 2

And, for my final Lembeh post here are the rest of the Nudibranch pictures I've been saving. Most of these are species and in some cases genera that I'd never seen before my two weeks in Lembeh.

Tomorrow I fly to Maumere in eastern Flores for a 10 day live-aboard to Alor so this is likely the last post until I return to Bali on the 21'st. After that I only have a few more days in Indonesia before I head to Malaysia for three or more weeks of diving in Sipadan.


Anonymous Richard D said...

Your pictures are great! Can finally see what those fellers really look like!

We left Borneo for New York on the 2nd - did not go to Sipadan

Are planning another trip to Indonesia already!

Richard & Nobuko

Friday, July 13, 2012 5:11:00 PM  

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