Friday, October 25, 2013

A Year And A Day Later

I just finished up another week of diving with my Dad, this time back in Bonaire. Even though I'm even further from Asia than the last post I thought I might as well post a few pictures in case anyone is paying attention this long after the last post.

The hi-light of the trip for me was a totally unexpected Manta that showed up at 'Rappel' on the boat dive yesterday morning. I didn't even know they were seen here - apparently they just started showing up in the last year or so and sightings are still very rare.

And, here are a few of my increasingly rare surface interval pictures. The first two are from our trip up to the Washington Slagbaai park, something we've never done before since we didn't realize there was any diving up there.

One of these days I ought to post a few pictures from my trip to the Galapagos in May/June too. But most likely I'll disappear again until the next big trip starts next May.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like those squid! All lined up so nicely - how did you get them to behave so well?

Nobuko & I went to Rajah Ampat last June and liked it so much we may be going back again this year.

Where are you heading next?

Friday, February 07, 2014 2:42:00 PM  

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