Sunday, September 02, 2012

More From Brunei

I'm in KL for the night on my way back to Indonesia. As mentioned I had a few more pictures from Brunei I wanted to post and have picked out a few more since then.

I'm already missing the diving in Brunei but a week from now I'll be back in Komodo so I'll probably survive. In the meantime, I plan to head back to Gili Trawangan where I spent a lot of time when I was in Indonesia in 2009. Doubt I'll be going quite as deep this year though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Denrodoris denisoni is incredible - looks like some kind of a toy!

Were your Brunei sites 'muck' sites?

Richard D

Wednesday, September 05, 2012 12:19:00 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, after seeing that Dendrodoris denisoni I think it is my current favorite nudi and am eagerly waiting to see more.

There are only a couple genuine 'muck' sites where I dived in Brunei - Icebox which was incredible and Icebox 2 which is nice but not quite as good. Most of the wrecks and reefs have good macro on and around them though. I had one dive on the 'Cunningham Barge' wreck where I swear I saw more individual nudis than on any other dive of my life.

Thursday, September 06, 2012 5:01:00 AM  

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