Thursday, August 30, 2012

Brunei, Part I

OK, so I'm completely enamored of the diving in Brunei. In addition to the quality of the diving it doesn't hurt that crowd-wise this is pretty much the opposite of Sipadan. At least half my dives have been just me and a dive guide on the site. There are apparently a few other dive shops here but I haven't seen another dive boat yet. Good thing I only have about 3 readers 'cause I don't want to come back here in a year or two and find a dozen dive operators dumping hundreds of people on every dive site.

More to come in a few days. I leave here on Sunday but already have enough pictures picked out for another post.


Anonymous NS said...

LOVE the bornella + great capture on the reaper cuttlefish. Sounds like a terrific place to dive.

Saturday, September 01, 2012 1:23:00 PM  

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