Sunday, June 22, 2014

Unexpected Komodo Post

For some reason one of the other divers on the boat decided to let me carry his camera (Canon G15 so very familiar but a significant upgrade from my G12) for most of the trip. I'm not exactly sure why I got to use it but I think it's because he knew I has more experience with it and figured he'd get better pictures that way. Regardless, who am I to complain and I took full advantage of the opportunity.

I plan to split the first Komodo Dancer trip up into three or more posts spread out over the next two weeks or so. These posts won't be presented strictly in the order taken. Instead of the old theme-post format I'm breaking the photos up so each one has a bit of everything (some macro, some coral, some bigger stuff, etc).

Anyway, on to the first batch of pictures...

That's it for now. Look for the next post after I return to Labuan Bajo in a week or so. Manta (hooray!) pictures will be along eventually.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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