Friday, May 08, 2015

How about some Bahamas pictures?

So, I spent last week in the Bahamas on under the Carib Dancer with my Dad. Diving was about average for the Caribbean but it was a was surprisingly great trip photography wise. I'm not sure I've ever gotten so many shots I'm happy with from a week diving in that part of the world.

The picture of the grouper in the first row is something new for me too - I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've ever successfully taken a 'wide-angle' picture using my strobe that actually came out. I'm also extremely happy with the shots of the Barracuda and the turtle with the other diver in the background.

That's it for this bonus between-trips post. With any luck I'll have some pictures worth posting from the trip I'm taking to the Channel Islands in early July though.


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