Monday, May 30, 2016

Shrimp in Ambon

Today was my last day of diving in Ambon and tomorrow I start making my way back to Bali then on to Nusa Lembongan. I haven't been there since 2012 and am quite looking forward to returning even though it's too early for Mola Molas. Should get a chance to see some Mantas though and I'm really looking forward to some of the intense drift dives.

Here are a few pictures of various species of shrimp taken in Abmon. These show an Emperor shrimp on a Sea Cucumber, a Crinoid partner shrimp, and a Dragon shrimp on some soft coral. I particularly like the Emperor shrimp and the Dragon shrimp was kind of exciting as they're very rare and it's only the second I've seen (the other was in Alor in 2012).


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