Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lets get this blog going...

So, I finally decided to start using my camera in full manual mode after years of shooting in various programmed auto modes. It's like learning to take pictures all over again - thus the delay in posting. I'm not thrilled with anything I've taken yet but I really do want to get things rolling so here are a few pictures from Tulamben that are at least adequate. Nothing really new and exciting here, although I was very happy to see the Orangutan crab today. On my last trip in 2014 I was looking all over the place for them but only saw 2 in the entire six months of diving.

Tomorrow I'm off to Candidasa, a town little bit south of here. That'll be a new destination for me - somehow I've never managed to stop there in all my trips to Bali.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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