Monday, June 27, 2016

Subic Bay Plane Wrecks

Sorry for the lack of posts from Subic. Although I enjoyed the diving there very much I didn't manage to take many pictures that I've been happy with. Here are a few from some of the plane wrecks around the bay anyway - I'm not thrilled with any of these but want to get something up...

I finally dragged myself away from Subic Bay on Saturday and am now in Dumaguete (actually Dauin, a bit south of there but this area is usually just referred to as Dumaguete so that's what I'll be calling it). I expect the diving here to be more photo friendly so hopefully I should be posting more again. I am still hoping to find enough decent pictures from Subic to get one more post up from there too at some point but we'll see.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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