Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Malapascua Part One

I'd planned to get this post up a day or so ago but the wifi connection at my resort has been extraordinarily flaky the last few days.

I have managed to see Thresher sharks every time I've gone to Monad Shoal to see them although I'm only posting one Thresher picture for now. My pictures of them need lots of work because of low light due both to depth and the time of morning when we do those dives - most of them seem to come out looking almost like paintings rather than photos by the time I'm done with them. Overall I seem I've been having trouble getting many good pictures of anything here though the diving has been quite good. Here are a few anyway...

Tomorrow is my last day diving in Malapascua before I head back north for a few days diving back in Puerto Galera. I should have another post with a few more pictures from Malapascua in a few days though.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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