Wednesday, September 21, 2016


I've been in Komodo for about a week now. Diving has been typically great but I've been having trouble getting motivated to go through any of the pictures I've taken recently. I did manage to work on a couple (as in exactly two) from the last of my three days in Amed though. Of course technically this dive site was in Tulamben so these aren't really even from Amed but here goes...

On Saturday I'm off on Komodo Dancer Indo Aggressor for my first of two back-to-back ten day trips. So expect posts at about the same rate they've been coming lately. At best. I do have a 3 day break back on Labuan Bajo between trips so hopefully I'll get another post with some shots from Komodo then. Expect mantas because there are a ton of them around this year.


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All photographs copyright Brian A. Wilcox unless otherwise noted.

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