Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Şanlıurfa & Harran

As the birthplace of the prophet Abraham, Şanlıurfa (Urfa) is another city that is steeped in ancient history. The city is now a major pilgrimage site for Muslims and a section of the city has been turned into a park (the Gölbaşi) centered around one of the Abraham myths.

In addition to all of the mosques and historical sites Urfa has a great bazaar where I spent some time wandering around this afternoon.

The reason most tourists come to Urfa is as a staging point to visit the even more ancient village of Harran, a town that has been continously populated for over 5000 years. Unfortunately it is another one of those places that is more interesting than photogenic but here are a couple pictures to show the traditional 'beehive' houses for which Harran is famous.

Tomorrow I am leaving Urfa to inland to Kahta as a base to visit Mt. Nemrut. Hopefully it should be a bit cooler there.


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