Thursday, June 08, 2006

Mt. Nemrut

It turned out that there was a Mt. Nemrut tour leaving my guesthouse shortly after I arrived in Kahta. So, rather than staying an extra day, I decided to head up to Mt. Nemrut right away.

The tour took in a couple sites on the way up the mountain (although they skipped one of the sites I would have liked to have seen)...

Of course the real point of the tour was to see the carved heads at the peak of Mt. Nemrut. These stone heads of King Antiochus I and his 'brother' gods were carved in the first century BC and are now one of the major attractions in Turkey.

I'm currently in Diyarbakır, former center of the PKK (Kurdish) resistance during the 90's. I'd originally planned to head straight out but decided there is enough to see here to make it worth spending a night before moving on to my next stop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - when you get to Dogubayazit -try and see if they still have the little hostel (in the old LP it use to say camping only but in truth has little rooms) up on the hill right below Ishak Pasha and stay there. Was amazing. Much better than staying in town from what I heard. Also just beautiful area - and each evening we would walk up about 10 minutes to this tiny little place where they served beer and you could have a sunset beer watching the sun set behind the palace - magical. We got a lift up to there from one of the little travel agents that litter the town.


Thursday, June 08, 2006 10:52:00 AM  

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