Friday, November 16, 2007

You Can Never Have Too Many (Photos Of) Prayer Flags

I'm back in Lhasa after the short side trip. The trip ended up being only 3 days because the pass to Nam Tso lake is currently closed due to snow (or so we heard). Even though we didn't make it to Nam Tso I enjoyed the trip and it was nice to see something of Tibet outside of Lhasa.

The first day was a drive out to see the Tidrum nunnery and hot springs in an isolated valley about four hours from Lhasa. This was actually my favorite stop of the trip but unfortunately it was overcast and grey all day.

On Wednesday, after barely making it out of Tidrum due to car problems, we visited the nearby Drigung Til monastery in the morning.

Then after lunch we drove to Reting monastery for the night. Most of the drive was up a pretty river valley on roads that reminded me of my trips in Mongolia.

Yesterday we had planned to go to Nam Tso lake but since access was closed we visited another monastery (Tsurphu) then returned early to Lhasa.

Tomorrow I'll have a post up with a few HDR pictures from the past week. Prayer flags will feature heavily again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the sky really that blue?

Saturday, November 17, 2007 10:08:00 PM  
Blogger Amy Jiang said...

Hey Brian! I can't believe you're on the road again. And in Tibet, my number 1 destination!!! Awesome pictures. Hope you're having a spectacular time.

Sunday, November 18, 2007 2:25:00 AM  

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