Sunday, November 04, 2007

Where'd All The Air Go?

Turns out I didn't have anything to worry about. None of the half dozen or so people that looked at my ticket at the Xi'an train station or on the train so much as raised an eyebrow. So, after 35 hours on the train I finally made it to Lhasa last night.

I took a whole bunch of pictures on the train ride, so here are a few. These were all taken through the window though so the color is a bit off and there is some distortion.

I'll probably be in Lhasa for a week or so. I'm going to give myself two to three days of doing as little as possible to acclimate before I start going to see some of the sites. Other than a minor headache on the train yesterday I don't seem to have any symptoms of altitude sickness, however the altitude (a little over 3600 meters or 11,800 feet) does have me out of breath from any activity much more strenuous than sitting in a chair with my book.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought Steamboat was high. Will be anxious to see more of Tibet.

Monday, November 05, 2007 8:48:00 AM  

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